Schedule Changes Protocol:
Due to classroom numbers being higher than ever, we would like to emphasize that schedule changes are based on NEED rather than WANT.
Before you ask for a schedule change, you have to meet one or more of the following criteria:
- You have previously failed a class from a currently assigned teacher.
- You are a senior who needs a course to meet graduation requirements.
- You have not met the prerequisite for a scheduled class (as outlined in the Course Catalog).
- You have a current, documented health issue that requires a change in schedule.
- You previously took and passed the class.
- You are currently missing a class or “Doubled-Up” (meaning you have both halves of the same course in 1 single trimester).
Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate all schedule change requests. Some examples of this are: class sections become full, other classes in your day are unable to be arranged to provide the requested class and/or they don’t fit the criteria above. We are unable to change classes due to lunch preferences or because you’d prefer friends in your classes. We don’t make these rules to be prohibitive, we do it because the Master Schedule cannot handle these types of massive changes. The reason not all requests are possible, is because not every class is offered every period throughout the year. Our focus is to get you the classes you need to meet graduation requirements and post-secondary planning sequence.
The schedule change window for students and teachers opens at 8am on Monday, November 25th. The schedule change window closes at 3pm on Monday, December 2nd. Due to the volume of requests, please allow your school counselor 2 school days to respond and notify you of the decision. Please check the email you provide for a response from your counselor. All requests are reviewed by a committee to provide uniformity for all. Any denial or late request will need to go to an Administrator. Please see the main office to schedule a denial review meeting by December 5th.
We do all schedule change requests via a Google Form found at this link:
Schedule Change Request