The Shelton School District believes that vigorous and extensive athletics and activities are an integral part of the total school experience. Activities and athletics enrich learning opportunities, develop participant's skills and talents, teach the skills of cooperation and teamwork, and foster school spirit as well as community pride.
The athletic and activity programs of the Shelton School District are organized and coordinated in order to recognize and accommodate differing age related stages of skill development and participation while at the same time promoting excellence at the highest levels of competition. All district athletics and activities shall be aligned with the highest level of performance or competition to provide program consistency, promote and maintain the ideals of good sportsmanship, and provide opportunities for maximum participation. The district will attempt to maximize the number of participants to the extent possible. In an effort to increase opportunities for student participation, the district will, whenever possible, support and/or facilitate community-based programs. The district will promote staff leadership and participation in athletics and activities and will seek ways to provide incentives for staff involvement.
The athletics and activities program requires careful planning, supervision and periodic evaluation. Within the framework of the district philosophy and in conjunction with school district administration, each school building will organize appropriate activity and athletic programs and standards that ensure the health, safety and general welfare of all participants. All interscholastic activities and events shall be in compliance with State Law and the rules and regulations of their appropriate governing organizations.