1) Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Work Study (Juniors)
2) Helper Trainee Program (Senior Year)
1) Junior Work Study Program (Junior Year)
Students must apply in the spring of their Junior year and must be available to work full time throughout the summer earning GS-1 pay and benefits, then return to school first semester of senior year to fulfill diploma requirements, and then return to work full time at PSNS the second semester of senior year. The required GPA to apply to the program is 2.0. Throughout the summer students will shadow over 15 trades at PSNS and later upon graduation from high school may apply to be hired. In the past, most student trainees who successfully finish the PSNS Work Study program are offered a job in the Helper Trainee Program with Federal benefits upon high school graduation.
- Must apply on USAJobs.
- Must be a U.S. citizen.
- Must be 16 years old.
- Full time work (40 hours per week) for the summer between your junior year and senior year and second semester of senior year. Participants must complete at least 640 hours of work prior to graduation.
- Earn elective and career and technical education credits for your graduation requirement.
- Starts at a GS-1. Those that complete the program may be offered a WG-1, Helper Trainee position.
- High school applicants are encouraged to seek assistance from high school career counselors.
2) Helper Trainee Program (Senior Year)
It's the only entry level program, WG-1 (for those with little to no experience) open to the public. The program typically hires once per year. There is no specific month in which the job announcement is released. High school seniors may apply at the age of 17, but must be 18 by the time you begin employment which is often several months after you submit your original application.
- Must apply on USAJobs.
- Must be a U.S. citizen.
- Must be 18 years old upon hire, but not to apply.
- High school applicants are encouraged to seek assistance from high school career counselors.
PSNS Work Study Program: 2020-2021 School Year
The Puget Sound Naval Shipyard has announced the suspension of the PSNS Work Study program for the 2020-2021 school year due to COVID-19 limitations. They do however anticipate that applications for the work study program for the 2021-2022 school year will be accepted this spring.
PSNS is still anticipating hiring several hundred “Helper Trainee” positions this year, so you are encouraged to create and/or update your USAJobs account and resume so you are ready to apply as soon as the announcement is posted. (The Helper Trainee position is what the HS Work Study position leads to.) You can also set up a notification for when the Helper Trainee positions open up.